Monday, October 6, 2008

Blog Number 1

G’day and welcome to my new blog.
At the beginning of the year, I set myself three goals:

1: To compete and finish a fun run. On 18th September I ran the City to Bay and finished it. I was sore and sorry for myself the next day, but also pretty chuffed that I did it.

2: To finally enter one of my drawings into the Royal Adelaide Show, instead of always saying 'next year I’ll do it'. Come show-time I did, didn’t place anywhere, but at least I can finally say I did it.

3: To make a business of my art and craft. Hence Etsy and now this blog.

Please bear with me while I work out this blogging thingy!! I have no idea what I’m doing yet, but I’m sure I’ll get there.

Vegemite the Cat - keeping me company while I work out how to blog!

1 comment:

Jo (ruby-jo) said...

Hello from another Aussie. I am new to blogging too.